
Follow @Shalini_UL on Twitter for more updates on our group.

September 2024

Congratulations to Hannah who is the recipient of the BOC UK & Ireland Postgraduate Bursary Award for 2024!!

February 2024

Prof. Liberato Manna from IIT Genoa, Italy visited us in Bernal Institute and gave an amazing talk to houseful of audience. 

January 2024

Niraj and Hannah won the second and third prizes for their posters at the Bernal Research Day 2024.

Well done both!

September 2023

Niraj went to France for a research visit and collaboration with Dr. Tangi Aubert’s group at University of Montpellier on his fancy nano popcorns. 

Good luck Niraj!

September 2023

Hannah hosted her first seminar! She presented to the current 4th year students of biological and chemical science courses on the opportunities that are available to them in research after they graduate.

June 2023

Department of Chemical Sciences celebrated Research Day 2023. Hannah won the first prize in thesis in three competition and Niraj won third prize in poster presentation.

Congrats to both of them! 

May 2023

We welcome Rebecca and Julian as 1st year undergrad summer interns in our group. They both received the Upstart Summer fellowship from faculty of science and engineering. 

March 2023

Niraj won the best poster award at NanoGe MATSUS 23 sponsored by ACS Energy Letters. Congrats Niraj!

March 2023

Nil, Niraj, Manh and Hannah presented their amazing work at NanoGe MATSUS 23 in Valencia, Spain. 

March 2023

Dr Singh organised MATSUS 2023 Spring Symposium ‘Fundamental Processes in Nanocrystals and 2D Materials’ in Valencia Spain in March 2023. (link)

December 2022

The group had a joint Christmas dinner with Prof. Ryan, Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Geaney’s research groups. 

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year 2023 

December 2022

Hannah won the best Christmas jumper prize in the Department of Chemical Sciences Christmas Party

June 2022

Mr Niraj Patil from the group won 2022 ICI Chemistry Research Colloquium poster prize. Congrats Niraj!

February 2022 

Dr. Singh is joining ACS journal ‘Crystal Growth and Design‘ from March 2022 as a Topic Editor for colloidal nanocrystal related manuscript submissions.

ACS Publications’ Newest Associate Editors: Q4 2021

August 2021

Dr Shalini Singh spoke to Silicon Republic about next-generation energy technologies and her hope to see a fully sustainable global energy landscape: 

Creating new nanomaterials fit for the EU’s sustainable energy goals

June 2021

Dr. Singh co-organised the 72nd Irish Chemistry Research Colloquium on the 17th -18th of June with Dr. Geaney and Prof. Ryan with contributions from Department of Chemical Sciences, Bernal Institute and ITD UL. 

May 2021

Dr. Shalini Singh won the UL Teaching Excellence Award 2021. For more information, click here.

April 2021

Dr. Singh was nominated as a Teaching Hero by her undergraduate students. The Teaching Hero Awards are Ireland’s only national, student-led awards for all those who teach in higher education. The Awards are organised by the National Forum in collaboration with the Union of Students in Ireland and other students’ unions nationwide.

March 2021

Dr. Singh delivered a talk as an invited speaker of the 2021 School of Chemistry Virtual Seminar Series at Trinity College Dublin

March 2021

Dr Singh served as a panel member on the topic of ‘Female leadership in academia’ at the intervarsity event of WiSTEM societies of UL, UCC, NUIG.

February 2021

Dr. Singh won the Faculty led Teaching excellence Award. She will be now representing the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the UL level teaching award panel to be held in May 2021.  

January 2021

Nilotpal Kapuria won 2nd Prize at the Poster award at Bernal Research Day. Well done Nil!

November 2020

Dr. Pengshang Zhou received her PhD degree from Ghent University, Belgium. She was jointly supervisied by Prof. Zeger Hens, Ghent University and Dr. Shalini Singh, University of Limerick. Congratulations Pengshang!! 

July 2020

Dr. Singh delivered a talk on ‘Ligand Adsorption Energy and the Actual Surface Chemistry of Colloidal Nanocrystals’ at Internet Conference for Quantum Dots